I'm Your Helper.

I've done a lot. Let me do some stuff for you.


Get the help and support every creative needs to thrive.

Sometimes, the biggest difference between those who accomplished their dreams and those who didn't, is someone who believed and worked on that dream with them.

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One-To-One Delivery

You need to hear my voice and I need to hear yours. One-to-One allows us to connect and build ideas, build projects and build your spirit.

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Get Your Unique Sound

Don't waste your time trying to break out of the pack and everything you make sounds like everything else that's out. Get YOUR sound and the helper you need to get it out into the world.

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On-time Delivery

We will be setting goals, establishing deliverables and doing regular check-ins to keep projects going. It helps maintain the feeling of forward movement.

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Best in Class Service

You must under promise, and over deliver. Keeping transparency in the forefront and communication a cornerstone. I get stuff done beautifully and people love me for that.

Meet Skot Free

I'm Couleen "Skot Free" LaGon and I help entrepreneurs, creatives and talented people like you get more done and more free so that you can F Your Dreams and bring your creative projects to life.

Lots of my Sony Music Pub and other music people know me under my producer name, "Skot Free" and I've helped, inspired and motivated so many people.

Over the years, F Your Dreams began to take shape as I started to embrace this coaching path in my life. I also needed some help to do it the right way.

I believed that F Your Dreams could be a program I could develop that would systematize my processes and intuition, and combine all of my powers in an effort to help entrepreneurs and creatives bring their ideas to life and get free, in their mind and their world so that they can do what they love.

I know personally the struggle it is to be in the dark and want to get some light. To be dealing with life and its struggles and still have in my mind an idea of a free life, where I'm living off of my talent and not working a dead end 9 to 5. I was compelled to do something extraordinary in this world and I wanted to help all those folks who felt lost trying to do something too.

"Find Freedom and Fulfillment and F#%& Falling Apart"...

Yep. That's when "F Your Dreams" was born.

Through mindset coaching and do-for-you, agency-like creative services, I would become an all-encompassing solution to help you manage the most important aspects of planning, producing and executing on the manifestation of your creative projects.

I found an amazing coach for coaches, Lauren Tickner, and with her help and the help of her team, began developing "F Your Dreams" as a program.

I even put into context and power the EXACT methods I used to leave that 9 to 5 and start living the life I WANTED to live. It's called The Dream Job Generator®, and it will transform you every day, enlivening you and helping you attract the most ideal circumstances and people to help you start living more happily, and more fulfilled, get to what you want and NEEEED NOW.

I live for the empowerment of entrepreneurs and creatives and I am dedicated to guiding and supporting them in the aspects of fulfilling their dreams where they need it the most.

I offer a holistic approach that offers and includes mindset coaching, strategic idea development, content production and management, music production, admin services, project management, video production, sync licensing opportunities, creative design and even spiritual guidance.

I am a friend for creative people.

-- Couleen "Skot Free" LaGon

Some Of My Work

10 New Albums in 10 Weeks

I am the most versatile producer on this planet. And I'm releasing 10 albums in 10 weeks to prove it!
Follow my journey on Spotify!

With Work Going Back To...

Don't forget... you can lease beats from my catalogue for your next project on BeatStars.com

Co-Owner John Doe

Couleen "Skot Free" LaGon

Teacher, Entrepreneur, Non-profit Founder, Voice Actor, Author, Motivational Speaker, Music and Video Producer, Editor and Director, Singer and Songwriter with Sony Music Publishing.

Ready to Get Going?

Let's leave unsurety and mediocrity and resentment and disappointment behind.

We are moving toward clarity and fulfillment, right now.